Can someone please help me with VEX Line Follower Programming. I don’t understand it. I would appreciate it allot if someone sends me a code or gives information. Thanks.
The first step in programming anything is figuring out exactly what you want the program to do. Yes, you want to make a robot follow a line, but how will it do that? What kind of sensors does it have?
If you have one sensor that can detect when you are on the line and when you are off of it, the simplest (but not very efficient) method of following the line is to have the robot turn one way until the sensor leaves the line, then have it turn the other way until the sensor detects the line again. There are better ways to do this, however.
Once you figure out what you want to do, then you can start writing code.
There is some explanation of line following and a simple program in the document “Vex for the Technically Challenged” at this link:
We used EasyCv2, not Pro, but the application should be similar.
The line follower sample program that comes with the Vex Programming Kit uses 3 sensors, which is more complicated than using one. I think it’s easier to understand what you’re doing if you start with just one sensor, move up to 2, and finally, try all 3.
You can open V2 programs in easyC Pro.
You may also want to check out allot of info there.