When I try to build the default code, it can not find main.c. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Are you using the default code provided by IFI here?
If you are, could we get the exact error message it’s giving you?
Yeah, we’re using the default code.
Here’s the error:
Executing: “C:\mcc18\bin\mcc18.exe” -p=18F8722 “main.c” -fo=“main.o” /i"C:\mcc18\h" -D_FRC_BOARD -D_LARGE_CODE -mL -Ou- -Ot- -Ob- -Op- -Or- -Od- -Opa- -nw=2066
Error: unable to locate ‘main.c’
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Wed Jan 10 18:55:49 2007
Try making sure the project/source files aren’t buried deeply within your directory tree. Usually just a folder in your drive root is good. This is because the compiler is limited to a 64-character path limit.
Apart from that guess, I’m not sure without any more exacts.
Our code is in the directory suggested in the readme file. We moved the folder with no subfolders and still doesn’t work. Maybe some kind of setting?
Do you use any of the settings under:
Project -> Build Options -> Project
other than Include Path and Library Path?
You could try creating a new project with the Project Wizard.
Just be sure to include only the files listed in the original project.
Can you open workspace successfully from specified directory?
Can main.c can be opened, viewed, and saved from workspace window?
Does right click on main.c and selecting compile work?
Other things to check:
Does the user have full authority over the directory and files?
Many school system computers have stringent security restrictions which deny sufficient access for MPLAB to operate properly.
Hey,thank you for your suggestion, Mr. Harris. Turns out it WAS the security on our school computers. We are going to contact our network administrator. Thanks again!
What version of MPLAB are people using?
I only found v7.5 available for download but the readme file on the Innovation First web site posted default code suggests:
To compile this code you must have Microchip’s MPLAB IDE (v7.2)
with their C18 compiler (v2.4) installed on your system.
Is the V7.2 available for download and if so where?
Will V7.5 work?
Please advise
I’m using MPLAB v7.50. It should be fine as this is just the graphical interface to the tools. The tool versions are important; that is the C18 compiler, mplinker, etc.
The quickest way I found to see what I’m running for tools is to open the readme files in the mcc18 directory:
readme.c18 - C18 v2.40
readme.lkr - linker, libararian, cof, cod tools are v3.90
readme.asm - assembler is v3.90