Help with new electronics!!!

OK, so I have this problem with the analog breakout. The selector jumper battery voltage is missing on one of them.
Is this what we were supposed to get or is it not manufactured right?
Does anyone know how to get a new one if it is a manufacturing problem?

You’re missing the jumper or are there no pins? There should be jumpers in a bag that has all your Wago Connectors, its a real small one, so it might be easy to miss.

The Analog Breakouts are being sold at Andy Mark, for $24.

Here’s the link

If the pins are missing, then it’s most probably manufacturing.

Hope that helps,

Yea its the pins. thanks for the info too. :smiley:

This conversation probably needs to move to . I know I sound like a jerk for towing the party line, but it is much easier and much quicker for us to help if you start there.

If there is actually a part missing on the board, it will quickly get elevated.