Help with pneumatics wiring

We are trying to use pneumatics this year however we are having trouble with the wiring. We have already looked at the wiring diagrams for this year and last year and are still unable to wire it correctly. Does any know where we can find other instructions or real pictures of how to wire the pneumatics?

Thanks for the help!

Using labview 8.6 go to examples, compressor with cylinder. Open this example and go to the front panel of compressor with cylinder vi. You can leave out the limit switch, or not.

Thanks! I will try this tomorow and let you know if it works.

The labview diagram did not work I rewired the whole thing several times and ran the code with no success.I have still been unable to get the compressor to turn on. If I attach the compressor directly to the battery and pressurize the system then hit the maual buttons on the solinoid it extends and retracts but i cant cant ANYTHING to work with code!

Did you enable the cRio with the Driver’s Station?

Did you enable the cRio with the Driver’s Station?

Im guessing I didnt do this since I have no clue what your talking about. How would one go about enabling the cRIO with the Driver’s Station?

The cRIO won’t execute user code unless it’s in communication with your Driver Station (and the E-stop button is connected to your Driver station).

And you enable the cRIO with a big clickable button on the Driver station or F1.

There is no

big clickable button
in labview while RUNNING a code. We are not trying to BUILD and DEPLOY so it runs when you quit labview and save code to the cRIO. We are simply running a code with labview, last year you were able to run a labview .vi right from the computer. Can you still do this? If so how?

  1. Push the LabVIEW Run button
  2. Start the Driver Station from Windows Start -> Programs
    *]Push the button labeled “Enable”

Thanks Mark
It works now!

:cool: See you at Long Island soon!