I am in an all girls robotics team and we need a good name for our team. We are one of the only girls teams competing so it might be nice to consider that for our team name. Also, our competition MIGHT be televised (either Disney Channel or ESPN) so we definitely want to stand out. Please help and who knows, maybe sometime you’ll be flipping through the channels and see the name YOU created for our robotics team.

Welcome to FIRST!

There are quite a few threads on Chief Delphi Forums on selecting team names. So my first advice is for your team to search through those for strategies. They range from names based on school mascots to names spit out from random word generators. There are some very creative all-girl teams who have developed their team image to reflect their style. Some have feminine sounding names, some do not. For some background, check out the Space Cookies (1868), Waldo (1547), Fembots (692), Fe Maidens (2265- Iron maidens), XCentric (2340, formerly NazaREX), Gatorbotics (1700), Firebirds (433) for just a few examples!

Have fun and good luck!

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Welcome to FIRST! Man, that would be cool if we got a competition on Disney Channel or ESPN. Let us know if it happens!

Two threads that you might want to look at are (for some general ideas and methods to look at) and (advice on how a team’s image is just as important as its name)

Does your team have anywhere that you want to start with the name? Do you flat-out not want the name to have anything to do with your school/school mascot, or has that not been ruled out yet? What school(s) is the team based out of, where are you from? If we can get a little more information about the team, we can help you out more.

Some rather famous team names:

H.O.T. (Heros of Tomarrow)
The Pink Team
Cheesy Poofs
Exploding Bacon
Chief Delphi (Wings of Fire)
Truck Town Thunder
The Martains
Killer Bees
Cyber Blue

Just to name a few.

I guess the point is that it doesn’t really matter that much what your name is. As you can see there is really no pattern. In the end you’ll be recognized by what you do not what you’re called

362, the Muses, originally had nine members. They asked one of the non-engineering (either history or classical studies-type) teachers for a name. Nine members, nine Muses, it fit quite well. There was also a team known as Nautae (970?) but they’ve been out of FRC for some time.

Whatever name you choose, you may want to play it up big-time as a team theme. Makes you recognizable and easy to identify.

Just throwing this out there as a suggestion, but PTERODACTYL could be a fun one. It’s an acronym standing for:

P. Phirst
T. Technological
E. Electronic
R. Robotics
O. Organization
D. Doing
A. Awesome
C. Crazy
T. Things
Y. You
L. Love

The Phirst is just a a crative way to spell FIRST.

…or you could just be Team Pterodactyl, no acronym (since that’s far too long of an acronym to be marketed easily)

the team name doesn’t has to be an acronym, but if you think it’s nice, then you should make it as your team name!

Post #1 reported.

The OP has spam in the signature line.

Think about it. How far can a team get w/registration without a name much less anything else?


I wish I had a name for you…
One thing I would suggest…
If you want something unique…
don’t be ROBO something…
or something TECH…

Those are good names but we see quite a few of them. Find something unique … something that you feel a connection with…

We are a school that has many students interested in aviation related fields… so we named our teams Skunkworks…

Girls seem so much better at coming up with names… you guys are much more creative than us fellows… most of the time…
Talk it out… something will come to you
Use your brainstorming skills!!!

I wish you the best and am looking forward to seeing a dynamite name!!

Of course you are right Jane.
I guess it is easy to get fooled…
especially when you want to help …

thanks for spotting that…

Team 0000 FLL listed as the competition
Televised on Disney or ESPN? What?

The thread was probably created and the spam (which has now been removed) was added in later. That was a trend for a while.

Maidens in Motion!?