We’re trying to get our swerve code working but we can’t find the conversion factor for our swerve modules. We’re using MK4i modules with Neos, CANCoders, and a Pigeon 2.0. We’re also using time-based Java code.
We tried the 16.8 for the conversion factor but it didn’t work. Unless I’m misunderstanding what is actually wrong with our modules. The zero value for the encoder changes every time we enable it and the amount it changes depends on how long it was disabled previously.
That sounds like the magnet isn’t glued in properly, the SDS assembly guide describes how to do this.
Do you know what the easiest way to confirm that would be? We don’t have a magnet here to pull the magnet out tonight and we don’t want to wait until tomorrow
Edit: We took the encoders off of the magnets and the 0 values stopped changing do you think that’s the encoder or the magnet still?
Definitely still the magnet. I think you have already proven a viable test case with your previous statement. The absolute encoder offsets should never change if the magnet is glued on correctly.