Help with vision on Raspberry Pi

I’m attempting to set up a dev system and integrate Grip vision (Java) on a raspberry Pi 3.

From the screensteps documentation above I found the following link and installed and compiled built the example using gradlew. this created a deployable jar that can be copied to the raspberry PI and ran on it. Note that all of the build was performed on a Windows 10 laptop.

I created a pipeline using Grip and saved it as a java file… moved it to the build directory and tried to build in running gradlew and received the following error:

package does not exist

I’ve searched my pc and did not find wpilibj.jar anywhere… I do have wpilib.
I also have eclipse installed and cannot compile the pipeline because wpilibj is not found.

I’ve searched the web extensively and found the site with the wpilib source files but there are no jar files there. I downloaded and tried to build them and the build crashed. I did not initially have C++ compiler installed so I installed Visual Studio free version and the build still crashed.

My goal is to build an executable jar like the example that calls the pipeline from Grip. Any suggestions? Where do I find wpilibj.jar … I really don’t want to have a c compiler on my pc as I’m not using C.

Any suggestions for how to call the Grip pipeline from the example from screensteps?

I’m afraid this is not going to be much help, but…

I followed the steps that you listed on a windows 10 machine and gradlew produced jar files that deployed and worked on an RPi3.

I’m not sure if we have different versions of the gradle package or GRIP, though my code also imports stuff from wpilibj, and I don’t have anything actually named that in the gradle folders, either.

This is a very simple fix… Go ahead and regenerate your GRIP pipeline java class but in the code generation settings, uncheck the “Implement WPILib VisionPipeline” box. This will prevent your class from implementing a class that is not available on the Raspberry Pi.

Thanks… This got rid of the compile error… Now I just have to figure out how to call the pipeline from the other main and I should have a working jar to deploy to a Pi.