Help with Vision Processing

Our vision processing is malfunctioning. We started having major packet losses and we turned off vision processing. We’ve had trouble before like the cameras working sometimes (with awful framerate) or not at all. We’ve tried comparing our code to previous versions and are at a loss.IMG_20190223_120500746_HDR|666x500

I am sorry, my team programs Java and have a somewhat difficult time reading LabVIEW. The one thing that I can suggest is looking at your bandwith usage with a tool like Wireshark. My team tried using a raw MJPEG stream and had significant issues with the reliability of bandwith. The radio configuration utility has bandwith limiting so it is possible that it doesn’t like a large jump in bandwith. If your bandwith is fine then I can’t help unfortunately. Do try testing bandwith in a variety of lighting over a long period of time as we had much higher bandwith when in the sun

Are you using 2 cameras? Which?

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