Help !!!!

i need serious help how can i get the buttons to work on my joystick how do i program it ??? here is my code is it correct ??

/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008. All Rights Reserved.                             */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project.                                                               */

package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.templates;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick.AxisType;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.*;

 * The VM is configured to automatically run this class, and to call the
 * functions corresponding to each mode, as described in the SimpleRobot
 * documentation. If you change the name of this class or the package after
 * creating this project, you must also update the manifest file in the resource
 * directory.
public class Team1605 extends SimpleRobot {
    Joystick stickDriverLeft = new Joystick(1);
    Joystick stickDriverRight = new Joystick(2);
    Jaguar leftMotor = new Jaguar(2);
    Jaguar rightMotor = new Jaguar(1);
    Jaguar shooterMotor1 = new Jaguar(3);
    Jaguar shooterMotor2 = new Jaguar(4);
    Jaguar gatherMotor1 = new Jaguar(5);
    Jaguar gatherMotor2 = new Jaguar (6);
    RobotDrive robotDrive = new RobotDrive(leftMotor,rightMotor);
    Shooter shooter = new Shooter(shooterMotor1,shooterMotor2);
    Gatherer gatherer = new Gatherer(gatherMotor1, gatherMotor2);
    final int TRIGGER_NUMBER = 1;
    final int GATHER_START_BUTTON = 2;
    final int GATHER_STOP_BUTTON = 3;
     * This function is called once each time the robot enters autonomous mode.
    public void autonomous() {

     * This function is called once each time the robot enters operator control.
    public void OperatorControl() {
        while(isOperatorControl() && isEnabled())
        robotDrive.tankDrive(stickDriverLeft.getAxis(AxisType.kY), stickDriverRight.getAxis(AxisType.kY));
        if(stickDriverRight.getRawButton(TRIGGER_NUMBER)) {
        else {
        if(stickDriverRight.getRawButton(GATHER_START_BUTTON)) {
        else if(stickDriverRight.getRawButton(GATHER_STOP_BUTTON)) {


The way that you have your trigger set up. As long as you hold the trigger down the shooter will be set at 1 but if you let go of the trigger it will be set back at 0. Do you want the trigger to toggle the shooter on and off?

Can someone posta code for a toggle button or for an array of buttons that can change speeds with a press, not held down? This would be very help!

Thank you and Happy Competition!

Both toggle and cycle buttons are based on a button “press” instead of just being held down. To detect when a button is pressed:

// outside the "checking" loop
boolean prevState = false;

// inside checking loop; can be within continuous or periodic
boolean currentState = joy.getRawButton(DESIRED_BUTTON);
if(currentState && !prevState) {
    // Button DESIRED_BUTTON is newly pressed
    // Do stuff here
prevState = currentState;

To do a toggle, have an extra boolean (e.g. tracking), then when the button is pressed:

tracking = !tracking;

To do a cycle, have an int (e.g. basketChoice) and do this on button pressed:

basketChoice = (basketChoice+1)%NUM_CHOICES;

i need help. in tank drive one of my wheels keep spinning and the other responds properly with one joystick.MY SHOOTER GATHERER AND BRIDGE HAND WORK. how can i fix this. this is my code :

/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008. All Rights Reserved.                             */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project.                                                               */

package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.templates;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick.AxisType;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.*;

 * The VM is configured to automatically run this class, and to call the
 * functions corresponding to each mode, as described in the SimpleRobot
 * documentation. If you change the name of this class or the package after
 * creating this project, you must also update the manifest file in the resource
 * directory.
public class Team1605 extends SimpleRobot {
    Joystick stickDriverLeft = new Joystick(1);
    Joystick stickDriverRight = new Joystick(2);
    Jaguar leftMotor = new Jaguar(2);
    Jaguar rightMotor = new Jaguar(1);
    Jaguar shooterMotor1 = new Jaguar(3);
    Jaguar shooterMotor2 = new Jaguar(4);
    Jaguar gatherMotor1 = new Jaguar(5);
    Jaguar gatherMotor2 = new Jaguar (6);
    Victor bridgeHandMotor = new Victor(7);
    RobotDrive robotDrive = new RobotDrive(leftMotor,rightMotor);
    Shooter shooter = new Shooter(shooterMotor1,shooterMotor2);
    Gatherer gatherer = new Gatherer(gatherMotor1, gatherMotor2);
    BridgeHand bridgeHand = newBridgHand(bridgeHandMotor);
     * This function is called once each time the robot enters autonomous mode.
    public void autonomous() {

     * This function is called once each time the robot enters operator control.
    public void OperatorControl() {
        while(isOperatorControl() && isEnabled())
        robotDrive.tankDrive(stickDriverLeft.getAxis(Joystick.AxisType.kY), stickDriverRight.getAxis(Joystick.AxisType.kY));
        if(stickDriverRight.getButton(Joystick.AxisType.kTrigger)) {
        else {
        if(stickDriverLeft.getButton(Joystick.ButtonType.kTrigger)) {
        else {


What can this do? Could this be used to add a ball count to the robot.

This is called modular arithmetic. You probably don’t want to use that particular method for counting balls, because if, for example, your NUM_CHOICES were 3, then as balls enter the count would go 0,1,2,0,1,2, instead of 0,1,2,3,4 as they entered and 4,3,2,1,0 as they left.