
Posted by Andrew Rudolph.

Student on team NASA KSC/Michael Krop Senior High School from Michael Krop Senior High School sponsored by NASA Kennedy Space Centre.

Posted on 5/17/2000 2:32 PM MST

I am doing a robot for my science project(and for fun) and well we have no radios basic boards and we dont exactly have bottomless pockets to buy stuff. So i was wondering if anyone can help me out. either email me or post any thing u think can help.

andrew rudolph

Posted by kyle gilbert.

Student on team #45, Technokats, from Kokomo High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 5/18/2000 6:24 AM MST

In Reply to: HELP!!! posted by Andrew Rudolph on 5/17/2000 2:32 PM MST:

: I am doing a robot for my science project(and for fun) and well we have no radios basic boards and we dont exactly have bottomless pockets to buy stuff. So i was wondering if anyone can help me out. either email me or post any thing u think can help.

: andrew rudolph


While i was surfing the web i came across a neat website.( There you can buy cool robots to put together. I think they even run off the same basic stamp program as this years robots. If you could afford it, it would be a cool thing to look into.