[HelpRookie's!!]Using Setup Axis Camera M1011 and DashBoard doesn't display any image

Hi chief delphi !
Our main problem is "we can’t get image from camera in dashboard.exe (tried in both original and updated also built version)
Simply we applied every steps billion times.

After resetting the camera, i changed the IP of the computer to 192.168.0.xx, xx is a number which is other than 90.
then i browsed and typed “admin” as a new password of user “root.” then i created a new user with “FRC” and “FRC”. (user FRC is administrator & enable autonomous login is enabled). according to manual configuration, i set the IP and didn’t change other settings.
I know this IP works if camera is connected to robot radio.

Setup Axis Camera Tool always give error "unable to login camera, manually create a user with FRC & FRC or restore … ", even i created a user FRC, camera setup was insisting on erroring. That’s why i tried manual configuration. In addition, i connected to axis camera m1011 to robot radio then deployed our project code. before deploying, i run the frc driver station and frc dashboard. (i’m using labview in programming). There are no problem in IP Settings because Joystick and Communication lights green in Driver Station. When i deploy the code cRIO, robot code lights green in driver station. In the front panel of RobotMain.vi, “enable vision” is checked (says true) and have resolution 320x240. also dashboard’s enable vision button is checked but there is no image. I have checked all of the cables, LabView codes, connections, resetted camera many times, reconfigured it billion time, also i have installed lastest updates for labview, utilies and driver station (01.02.2013 version). so please help me ?

i have asked to many people, searched in NI Forum, Chief Delphi but i couldn’t find solution.

The last thing i would like to say is when i installed the lastest update of FRC driver station, dashboard.exe is deleted which is in that destination C>Program Files (x86) > FRC Dashboard.

You have done many of the same things I would have suggested.

You may want to try launching the NI Vision Assistant, choose to Acquire an image, choose the Axis at the bottom of the list, and see if your camera IP works there. After you set the IP, you will also need to press the play or snap button. This plug-in uses the same/similar VIs as LV does.

The other option is to build the dashboard project open the code and debug the vision stuff a bit. I would probably open the Read MJPG VI and look at the string coming back from the camera, at the size of the string, and then inside the loop at the image created from it.

Greg McKaskle

Hi Mr. Mckaskle,

I would like to say, thanks for different solutions which is not found in guides, PDFs or forums. I have
tried to use NI Vision Asssistant to aquire image. Sadly, an error occured again. As you said, I chose aquire image
(Axis IP), set the IP and resolution 320x240. Axis M1011 Camera is plugged the computer via crossover cable
and IP of the Ethernet Connection is Firstly I have set the subnet mask of the computer to and error
(in the first image) occured. Then I changed subnet mask to and again same error.
Error says :
Error -20001 occured at Read Axis JPG.vi
Data Length from camera = 0

Possible Reasons :
Analysis : There is not enough memory to perform the specified routine.

Below, there are pictures of settings and error. Why does this error occur ? I have no idea.

Error : http://b1302.hizliresim.com/16/9/jy9cr.png
IP Settings 1 : http://b1302.hizliresim.com/16/9/jy9f1.png
IP Settings 2 : http://b1302.hizliresim.com/16/9/jy9g1.png