Helpwith making a safety quiz

not sure if this is in the right place or not…
does anyone have good safety quiz questions for a safety aptitude test. so long as its relevant to frc it can work. team 2914 is planning to hand them out during nationals this year

I have a safety test that I created based off the Safety Manual provided by FIRST. If you’d like it, I can email it to you? :slight_smile:
Great initiative!

yes please!
my email is [email protected]
how can i give you credit?

I sent it to you, hope you received my email. All the best! And come say hi to us in St Louis :smiley:

Edit: Your email doesn’t appear to work though?

Please make sure teams actually want them first. Don’t put one in every pit, as they will get thrown away. Talk to teams, ask them about it, and then see.

Also, what are nationals? Sounds like a fun American party, can we Canadians come?

the isrealy team has come before, so i assume that canda can come 2

and my bad, mixed 2 things together
[email protected]
thanks guys for yur inputs

Canada has my permission to come to the Championship. There - now everything is nice and official! :cool:

For future reference it is WORLD"S because there are at least 50 different countries represented across the three divisions. including 5 or 6 in FRC alone.

You are too kind.