Here's the GDC we know and love

To maintain the mystique of the process, we typically refrain from answering “why” questions about game design decisions.

Yup, that never changes. In their defence however, if they responded to every question of why it would slow down the respose time for more critical questions.

But, giving an answer like that also takes time.

Really really?

Why was there only one gate added to the midfield, and not one on each side of the midfield?

I really, really would like to know the answer to this though.

But, I understand why the GDC can’t answer a question like this…

It is because many regionals have the main lines of electrical wires running form the scoring table where the gate would be. The worst thing to do to wires is have a robot run them over every 6 minutes.

I’m normally not one to defend the GDC but, I read that response and actually agreed with the answer because the question really was irrelevant.

The asker could have stated something like this if I have the intent of the question correct:
“The field drawings indicate that there is only one gate in the middle of the field. For safety and speed on field reset will there actually be two gates, or will FIRST consider adding another middle gate to the field.”

It was not a snarky answer to a real question created by ambiguity from the rules, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as some of the awful responses we’ve gotten in the past where the question was misunderstood or butchered to mean something other than it intended (remembering a particular instance that upset many of us a few years ago, taking a deep breath). If you read the Q&A the GDC does have to deal with a lot of poorly asked questions by people who haven’t read all the rules, so a funny answer every now and then to a poorly thought out or worded question is understandable.

I figured the reason had something to do with the scoring table…

But I really wanted there to be some awesome reason for it.

The people at that table are pretty awesome.

Very Very True.

This makes it sound like the GDC is that monk sitting at the top of the mountain. The one were if you climb up to see him he’ll answer one question but if the word “why” is used the answer will always be “The why is not as important as the how.”

Wait they aren’t, what are you saying?

That’s how I’ve always envisioned them. And they’re doing nothing to “dispel the mystique.”

Does this mean you’ve always envisioned the GDC sitting still?
At the top of a mountain?
Above the noise and nattering?
Away from the hubbub of activity and insanity?
Disappeared into thin air?

Wow. I just figured they were locked in a padded room.

(kid, I kid)

Are you sure? :cool:

thank you Jane!!
I failed to figure out hint #2 because I was sure they would not put a gate and field reset people in front of the table.

Likewise, I figured the padded room is on top of a mountain. Watching the GDC video at kickoff, it seemed to me there was a lack of oxygen there.

That room could tip over up there. Wonder if it is self-righting.

If not, I’m sure it has a clever message on the bottom

“If you can read this, turn upright. DO NOT open to check for survivors! Opening will cause mass chaos, confusion, aha moments, inspiration, learning, fun, and coopertition. Opening too early will simply cause the first two. The time lock will release on [Kickoff date] at [Kickoff time].”

I think they used some of the padding of that room on the field this year…