Hey all you smart peoples!

2 questions from my team:

are their any cameras approved by first that you can use on the robot?

we wanted to know if we could use the relay Y pwm cables to drive 2 victor controllers from 1 robot controller output?

Team 1126 Sparx

For number one I beleave you can use any camera that doesn’t operate on the 900 MHz band specificly 902-928 MHz range.

Secound of all the Y cables included in the kit will split the signal for what you need. Don’t know why you would want to do that instead of duplicating signals throught your program. (more Control)

However, any camera must be approved at each competition you attend by the on-site Innovation First representative… Make sure you do this if you’re going to use a camera! Also make it easily removable in case they say no. And, of course, you can’t have the output from the camera visible to the drivers - it should be for viewing by fans in the stand only.

couldnt u use a camera to take picture or something like. i remember this discussion from previous years

you could put a camcorder or still camera in your bot to film bots-eye-view during the matches

as long as its not transmitting.

ok, i have tlkaed to the perons who wanted me to post the questions and she has one thing about the answers about the camera question::

in the robot rules, it says you can use any camera;s approved by first except 900mhz, we havent picked a camera out, because we wanted to see if there already were options that were approved

Honestly, very few teams have used cameras. The problem is that you have to include the camera when you weigh in, and most teams are so tight on weight that they don’t even consider it.

new rules say 2.4 ghz are out also.