Hey Scouts!

Hey scouts!

I’ll point you over to the team list .

If you’re looking for team 234 for example. You can go to the team list, and find the people registered on the forums.

From their detail, you can email or private message them. This is one way to find people on a certain team quickly.

If you must create a thread for it, I encourage you to post your questions and let everybody answer. It will help everybody in the long run, I think.

Seems like the posts asking for contact info is getting worse and worse… Even after the stuck thread in general, there is still new post asking for the exact same thing.

Year after year, when some team tell their students about CD, a huge amount of those student would register and post threads asking for contact info.

I think its about time to do something about it. Here is my suggestion:

A page where people can go in, and make a request of contact info on which ever team they want. Then there will be a page with a team list, and people can click their own team or others, and find out the name of the person making the request, the time they made the request of contacts, and a reason. The team list could have an icon indicating if there’s request made in the past 10 days or so.

The reason I suggest this is because not all teams are registered for the forum, but their member might still visit the site.

This will greatly improve communication between teams, for those without contact info. All teams can come in, check out the list, and find out if some someone want to contact them for whatever reason.