Hi Discourse!

Finally it has happened! Welcome back, CD.

-someone from 870




Can someone make a dark mode for Discourse? My screen is blinding :persevere:



I’m so confused.

There is one – check your preferences.

I’m open to someone submitting a better one, however.


Hello World!

This is gonna take some getting used to… Brandon, if someone makes a “more compact” theme, like DIscord’s dark / light & normal / compact options, would those be added?

Thank you! Dark theme makes everything looks so much better, and thank you so much for your hard work to update the entire forum and import its ornery citizens before kickoff.

It’s already made

I’d be open to it.

It’s definitely an improvement. Vbulletin had a pretty bad learning curve for new users, this seems much more approachable

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Can the main page default to category view? The “latest” sort is confusing since I’ve been so used to the old site. Maybe I’m just crotchety.

The dark theme and live thread replies are very nice additions. Looking forward to seeing what else Discourse can do :slight_smile:


Should just be in your settings as well

Wow, this looks fantastic! Can’t wait to get started with the new CD!

Gonna take a while to get used to, but an improvement none the less!

Thanks for all your hard work getting this done in time for Kickoff Brandon <3

This will take some getting used to but I’m all for making things more mobile friendly…and dark modes.

Oooh, dark mode!

We made it to the other side, guys! Looking forward to using this new Delphi with ya’ll :slight_smile:

Who needs Solidworks shortcuts when you can become proficient in Discourse shortcuts?

Anyways, anyone else having issues with uploading images for their profile pictures or otherwise?