I wanted to start this thread to have a place to post the Highest score you have seen.
And here we go again…official matches haven’t even started playing yet…
So 0-0 then? In some contexts, that is equal to infinity… So who will beat that score?
91 in practice at FLR if that counts!
Practices matches don’t count. Because a lot of teams give their drivers practice and one technique is for the human player to throw discs the entire match, which awards foul points to the other team, resulting in many scores well over 100.
129 in match 9 at Palmetto. Didn’t see most of the match but it looks like there were 26 points in fouls?
I expect to see some pretty high scoring matches during elims this weekend.
176 in match 5 at BAE. Mostly in foul points.
Does anyone know what those 106 penalty points were for?
From what i saw, it was for hitting a robot in contact with the pyramid.(multiple times)
146 in match 12 of BAE by 230, 610 and 1922. 126 disc points, 20 climb points and no foul points.
610 is killing it at BAE.
Match 12 they put up 146 with 230 and 1922. No foul points and only 20 from climb. Insane tele-op scoring by 610.
Just saw 146 at BAE. 126 in Disc Points. 610 was screaming back and forth laying down 4-disc volleys from the back of the pyramid. Gives me hope in our human loading only robot if we get the driving as quick and smooth as theirs.
Has anyone seen a successful full court shooter in a qualification match?
With the exception of the 11/#4451 alliance that put up over 100 points without the penalties, there’s yet to be anything over 50 or so at Palmetto. Everyone better be looking out for the rookie team 4451.
Just saw someone shooting full field at FLR. They were hitting maybe 1/5 3s. Lots too high or too low, and some of the ones that were on target bounced out anyways. It’ll be interesting to see if other full courts have better luck.
The official score went up as 161 pts :ahh:
team 610 is scary. :eek:
My thoughts when watching 610: If 610 is this good… how beastly will 1114/2056 be next week?
Historically speaking, 1114 and 2056 are both 60%-70% stronger than 610, using OPR as your yardstick.
That was 3173 IgKnighters out of Rochester.
Well, considering 610 can’t hang for more than 10 points and doesn’t have a ground pick-up (which limits their autonomous scoring), you have two areas for potential improvement from 1114/2056 right there. Just imagine if 610 was scoring 42 points in auton and hanging for 30 at the end…