I’m working on the ramp & ours will use a hinge to fold. Is there a form of constraint that I can use so that the ramp can move up and down using the hinge?
Also, I downloaded the tilt of camera from Firstcadlibrary. Then, I downloaded the CMU camera. The tilt moves and can I put a constraint on the camera so that it moves along with the frame its on?
Really confused. I searched on the web, but didnt find any info on how to do any of this…
To allow the rotational movement from a hinge, apply a coaxial Mate constraint by selecting the cylindrical face on each piece of the hinge. You’ll also need another constraint to prevent the pieces from sliding along the axis of the hinge.
For the camera, Mate the camera to the tilting part. As long as the camera and tilting part are fully constrained to each other, the camera will move as the tilt moves because the constraints always have to be fulfilled.
If I’m not telling right things, it would be helpful if you could post images of what you’re trying to constrain and how it should be constrained.
For making the hinge… Do I make it in 2 parts? Them being alternate hinge cylinders which will have a constraint with the other part… if you know what I mean. Is there any other way… easier way to do this?
There isn’t an easier or better way to do a hindged constraint. You will need to do a face mate to each cylinder to prevent movement in their axial direction. Then use the angle constraint for the swivel movement of the platforms and then use the “Drive Constraint” feature to simulate the lowering/raising motions.
I was able to create the hinge myself & the axix constraint lets me move it around the axis. Is there a way to put an angle constraint so that the hinge doesn’t rotate all around the axis and only in a certain angle?
I found that last year in my CAD class, that using motion constraints for circular pieces being used to move flat faces work a lot better than I expected. Also, they can be used to get a shaft to rotate a wheel. If you need to use something like this to move a belt for your lift, enjoy :D.
I get how to mate the ramp to the hinge and stuff. But the hinge that I am using only goes from 0 degreed to 202 degrees. The one that I made on inventor goes all the way around (360 degrees) the axis. Is there a way to limit the angle of hinge from being more than 202 degrees? An angle constraint or something
The first 2 pictures show the angle that I dont want it to exeed. And the last picture shows what it does now.
Is there a way to not let the hinge get past 202 degrees?
What you will work with an angle constraints between the flanges. You can’t set a range for an angle constraint, but if you designate one end of the range, you can use the “Drive Contraint” feature to limit the constraint over a specific range to simulate the pivot motion.
Rather or in addition to use an angle constraint you could use Contact Sets (see help). Add only those parts that will contact on movement to the set. Activate the Contact Solver and drag you part(s). Contact sets can be resource intensive in the calculation of the motion. Best to turn off the solver once the motion is verified. Suppress/unsuppress the angle constraint while testing.