History of rookie teams on Einstein

I’m curious as to what rookie teams have made it to Einstein in the past.

2753 last year. I believe team 100 won the Championship in their rookie year way back when they started.

Our team won in 1995.

There were no alliances back then, or Einstien.

Until 1999 our team did not compete at regionals, b/c there were none near by. As a result, FIRST incorectly lists our rookie year as 1998, and does not have any records of awards we won proir to that.

In addition to the national banner, we were also the Chairmans award finalist. Kinda frustrating that we didn’t win it, as there is no way we are ever going to win it now, and it would have given us a lifetime place at champs.

The 1995 robot was designed entirely by Carlo Bertocchini (builder of the battlebot Biohazard, and one of the most talented robot builders of all time).

The woodside teachers did not like that Carlo and Raytheon built the robot, so the team switched to the “Student Run, Student Built” motto, which we continue to follow today.

Your history lesson for today :slight_smile:

There was some 3000 level team that made it to einstein this year. I thought they were pretty good. :wink:

It looks like the creator of this thread is from that team. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Apparently this can be seen as sarcasm. I was just trying to make people aware that 3357 was one of those teams. Sorry for any mixup.

One of the teams, you mean.

Disregarding 1992, when everyone was a rookie…
1995: Woodside H.S. (now team 100) wins it all, but Einstein wasn’t a field yet, and no alliances.
2009: 2753 makes it to Einstein, but falls in the semis.
2010: 3357 and 3138 make it on different alliances. Both fall in the semis. 3138 becomes the first rookie to win a match on Einstein itself in the process.

Thanks for all the info everyone!

Yes, my team, 3357 made it to Einstein this year and I’m incredibly proud of them. We started this team in November/December of 2009 and still do not have support from our school. I’m going to try to gather some statistics to show our school board what we’ve actually accomplished.

Thanks again for everyone’s input.

1388 was also on Einstein in their rookie year 2004, with 175 and 1038

144 won the championship in their rookie year, 1994.

Yes, my team, 3357 made it to Einstein this year and I’m incredibly proud of them. We started this team in November/December of 2009 and still do not have support from our school. I’m going to try to gather some statistics to show our school board what we’ve actually accomplished.

I would also like to thank everyone for the info. 3138 is in the same situation as 3357 because we are not supported by our school. I’m glad to see another rookie team with enough passion for FIRST or science and engineering in general to start a team without school backing. It has obviously turned out well for both of us considering our major successes both on and off the field as a rookie team.

Team 3357:
If you still can’t recieve support from your school this year you may want to consider starting a non-profit organization. It’s a lot of work but it was well worth it for us this year. I know Moe 365 has a lot of resources on their website, and our team would be more than happy to help out in any way we can if you decide to go that direction.

Even though our team isn’t very good at getting sponsorships, one of the things we’ve found easiest to string them on with is by stressing how much you learn from it. Both the Gracious Professionalism, and the Math/Science/Technology benefits. Do you guys have a Teacher as a mentor? If you do, use him as your leverage to get the school.

Josh - Congratulations to you and Team 3138 for your outstanding rookie year!

Our team did a blitz of fund raising 2 weeks ago to allow them to travel to Atlanta. They raised enough money for the trip and also secured a few more (what looks to be) permanent sponsors.

There may come a time when we need financial support from our school, but I hope it isn’t soon.

We are in the process of setting up our own non-profit organization, and you are right, it is a lot of work.

CalTran - right now we do not have anybody associated with the school that is a part of our team (except for the students). This is really the support I’m hoping to find. In order for us to grow, we need school administrators on our side.

We will be meeting with the school board in a couple weeks and I want to have as much “wow-able” info to take with me. We’ll also be promoting FIRST with all of it’s great qualities.

Thanks to everyone for their input, it’s much appreciated.

First, talk to the Industrial Tech, Computer, or Physics teachers at your school. They should be into stuff like that. I think if you take the robot to the school board meeting and give a demonstration of it, it should really help. If they can see what you accomplished, and this was all STUDENT made, that should be a tipping point. A few pictures/videos from build season may help too. I hope the meeting goes well :slight_smile: ; we have one coming up too.

Thanks for all of your suggestions, I really appreciate it!