Hold Harmless Agreements

We have recently taken on board as a new sponsor a local one-man welding and fabrication company. The owner of the shop is very in-tune with the spirit of FIRST and wants our team members (especially Juniors and Seniors) to come and work with him and learn about the final design and fabrication process on the 'bot that starts this week. Our problem is that he’s nervous because there is no paper trail and his insurance wants at very least a hold-harmless agreement to appease his insurance co.

We saw at the kickoff that there are teams working in General Motors’ proving grounds and shops, the video even showed a student running a lathe. With GM having quite deep pockets, I’m sure they would be “careful” about keeping their ducks in a row legally…

If you are a team that has students working in shops, what agreements / paperwork have you done for students visiting these facilities? If it wasn’t too much trouble, could you please post a link to get a copy, or send me a copy at [email protected].

Many thanks!
Steven Rugoletti
Co-Advisor, Team 350, Timberlane High School, Plaistow, NH

I would also be interested in this, do any teams pass out release forms for students to meet at their school in order to use power tools?


I don’t use any IM programs on my computers… If you send me your e-mail address, I’ll forward any agreements that other teams make available to you.

My address is [email protected]

Best wishes,

MOE has a hold harmless agreement specific to our site, based on FIRST’s form. It is available on our website at http://moe365.org/teamdocs/moe2006harmless.doc

We also have a student contract at http://moe365.org/teamdocs/moe2005contract.doc in which the students sign off that they will follow the rules, act safely, etc.

We have a contract that the students sign that have a release form to be working on robots and we have everyones information neatly put away and easily accessible. We cant actually build things at our GM plant because of union stuffs :confused: but we still do build things on the robot and im glad other teams have all this information because things happen and you chould always be ready.

Sorry I don’t have a copy of the release form. In addition to the waiver everyone has to undergo a safety training program before they are allowed into the shop. The training basically consists of going through all the machines and showing how to operate them properly and filling out packets of safety stuff.

Many thanks to all of you for your guidance.

Steve Rugoletti
Team co-advisor
Team 350, Timberlane HS, Plaistow NH