FYI: The Inventor file for the 35" long channel (AndyMark part no. AM 0202 in the 2012 chassis drive base kit) may have some mislocated holes. On the actual steel piece, the center of the first axle hole starts 3.125" from each end. In the Inventor file, the center of the first axle hole starts 4.125" from one end and the other hole starts 3.125" from the other end. It’s easy enough to fix by editing the sketch of the holes and re-dimensioning the distance. This was discovered when a CAD top view of First Team 2191’s chassis assembly showed the wheels/axles as being non-colinear on each side of the robot.
Thanks for this information. I will check the files and repost if required.
I modified the part as requested and reposted on the Education Community.
It is also attached below.
Chassis_Channel_AndyMark_am-0202.ipt (183 KB)
Chassis_Channel_AndyMark_am-0202.ipt (183 KB)