Homestar Runner

Who here likes Homestar Runner?

If so, who’s your favorite character? Mine are (in order): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Strong Sad


I know there’re many others.


but while we’re at it, The Cheat it the best :slight_smile:

Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar, and I also like Homsar dont know why he just seems so… intresting

“I was raised by a cup of Coffee”

for a similarly awesome webcartoon, allow me to recommend

And,i mean, its about robots, which everyone here loves.

My top five:

  1. Homsar
  2. Bubs
  3. King O’ Town
  4. Coach Z
  5. Strong Sad

I love the brothers Chaps.

By the way, if none of you have seen this interview with them, I demand you do it right now. Be sure to listen to the audio; it includes what I consider to be one of the BEST HOMESTAR QUOTES EVER.

Just check the avatar :wink:

Strong Sad is not getting enough props. He’s the coolest.

1 coach Z
(you never know when he’s gonna bust out a new rhyme)
2 strongmad
3 homesar
4 bubs
5 the poopsmith

It’s all about the Cheat. He is by far the best!

*Originally posted by IsabelRinging *
**By the way, if none of you have seen this interview with them, I demand you do it right now. Be sure to listen to the audio; it includes what I consider to be one of the BEST HOMESTAR QUOTES EVER. **

Isabel, Thanks for pointing out that audio clip, I never knew what they looked like or anything, and yes that is one of my top five Homestar Quotes

The Cheat… ah I guess I changed my avatar…
Coach Z
Strong Bad

Da Cheat Da Cheat what what Da Cheat!
I guess my 2nd would be TROGDOR! but that’s only 2nd because it’s really just the song that I like more-so than the character!
Oh yeah, don’t for get Pom Pom! you have to play the games on the site where Homestar says all the words and phrases it’s a riot.

How can anyone leave out MARZIPAN!

All I have to say is “ooo-kooo, lay lay… ooooo-koo, lay lay!”
