hook up ADXL345 to cypress breadboard at driver station

I am trying to use an accelerometer at the driver station as a unique controller. I am fairly new to programming and this is a little past my experience. If there is anyone out there that knows how to get data output from the ADXL345 (accelerometer issued from FIRST) through the CY8C3866AXI-040 (Arduino like micro controller) onto the driver station computer I would be very thankful.


FYI, there is already a 3 axis accelerometer built into the Cypress FirstTOUCH board.

But the problem is that i cannot use that accelerometer because i need the accelerometer to be seperate.

Ok, I just wanted to make sure you werenโ€™t overlooking a really easy solution to your problem.

Unfortunately, there isnโ€™t a good way to do exactly what you are asking for. Neither legacy nor extended modes offer any of the serial communication methods necessary to talk to an ADXL245. Since the rules prevent you from modifying the code on the cypress board (if used at the driver station), you canโ€™t add them either. Bummer.

However, you do have a bunch of analog inputs. You could easily wire in an analog accelerometer, such as the ADXL335 that was in the 2009 KoP.

Thanks a lot for your help, iโ€™ll look into the analog accelerometer. My team was taking about the same thing you are talking aboutโ€ฆ only a few years till FIRST will let us program the cypress as much as we want :smiley: