Horizontal Traverse Climb

We did the mid to traverse climb knowing that with only 1 hook, it wasn’t going to be pretty. Glad it counted.:smiley:


No guts, no glory!


New TBA photo


Note that the slot was the weakest point.

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to the left, to the lef. all the weight of your robot on the hook bent to the left


Your avatar suggests you have prior experience?


This climb is so fun to watch no matter the result.


Congratulations on causing the most mangling of a 1x1 I’ve ever seen.


We actually modified and brought spares for this event where it was just two screws to swap out each arm.
It’s a good thing this was the last match of the competition anyway.


We had a similar incident during testing, although our 1x1 completely sheared in two:


It was painful to watch up close, being the referee at the red hangar. Starting the hang with an already bent arm, I couldn’t believe you made it!


i did not expect it to make that climb with a bent arm.


It was actually the other extended arm that had the initial damage (you can see it just below the field rail). 359 extended early and the arm was bent a bit interacting with the hangar. I think it affected the final transition to the traversal bar because one hook was above the bar and the other was below resulting in the robot torquing over to the side as you see in the picture. It was a very close call on the hang as the intake was barely (or barely not) touching the carpet as the robot swung at the 5 second mark. It was a tough call to make IMO, but ultimately didn’t determine the outcome of the match.

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Just curious about how this was discussed/ruled. I suppose it was an off season so maybe this can be discussed in a forum like this, but if you would rather not I understand.

My initial thought when I saw the picture I thought that this should not be counted as a climb due to G107 over extension of the 16" rule from the frame perimeter

Was it determined that the over extension did not enable the climb therefore it was allowed?


Yes. They got a G106 foul for it.

I recropped my photo to show more of the other arm.

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The over extension did not enable the climb
Editing for more clarity… The early extension did not enable the climb, but a penalty (G106) was called for early extension outside the hangar. G107 didn’t happen until the end of the climb.

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That’s that’s what I was thinking. Thought it broke the frame perimeter rule.
I saw the climb, but was not paying close enough attention to the live stream to see if it got counted or not.
Crazy exciting climb either way!!


What a crazy way to make a (barely) successful traversal climb: in the last seconds, of the last match, of the last event of the season for 359!

Thanks for coming to Tidal Tumble again. It’s always been great having you here.


Thank you! It literally was down to the last 5 secs AFTER the match went to 0 seconds, as Richard had explained it.
We will always remember this with the win.

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