Hortibot, the robot that pulls weeds


found this on slashdot, thought you might be interested.

A robot that identifies and removes weeds. The articles boasts that it might reduce herbicide use by up to 75%.

Its pretty cool. Robotics hopefully making the world a gleaner place. Think green!

The Google Video link you posted doesnt work. Here is the news article about it. The Hortibot looks really cool. However, I remember seeing the yellow lawn mower they used before in the news. Not to long ago one tipped and fell down a hill injuring a person (I dont know how severe or if it killed them). It looks cool though. I could see farmers using this in the near future.

gee what a novel drive concept :rolleyes: I could have sworn I’d seen it somewhere before :rolleyes:

How exactly does it identify weeds? chemically?

How exactly does it identify weeds?

If it’s hard to pull out, than it’s a weed. If it was easy, it wasn’t a weed :smiley:

I can see it now…

Lady- Look at what it did to my garden!!!:mad:

Salesman- Well, look at the bright side. At least you won’t have to worry about any weeds in your rose garden now. :nervous look:

Doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all to get one of them. Next time you weedwack the wrong plants you can just blame the robot! :smiley: