Hotels in St. Louis?

This is our third year going to Worlds because our FTC team recently qualified. I remembered that two years ago the Omni Hotel in Atlanta was great because of the food court, roof top pool parties, and close proximity to the venue. In addition, meeting teams from around the world was a great experience. Was there any hotel in St. Louis last year comparable? :smiley:

I can tell you we stayed at the Westin last year in St. Louis, it was OK but I don’t know if it was comparable to your Omni experience. It is a pretty nice hotel, a lot of FIRST folks were staying there, about 10 blocks south of the Edward Jones Dome, we walked it in ~10 mins. Food-wise, we never found anything in St. Louis that even vaguely resembled the handy food court at the CNN Center in Atlanta, we had our best luck with food at the Culinaria on 9th Street (a grocery store that serves a good variety of take-out stuff).

Will you guys have ground transportation ?

If you are looking to stay at a hotel away from the city, where you can find Target, Walmart, Grocery sotres and etc, I recommend :

  1. Drury In - Olive Blvd exit out of I-270.
  2. Boone’s Crossing Area (Many hotels, and it is near Chesterfield Mall).

If need more assistance, send me a PM.