I’m bored and I’ve still got 20 minutes until curfew with nothing else to do. I’ve decided to post random thoughts about my Houston experience. If I get a chance, I’ll update before the competition is done. If not, I’ll update again on Monday.
If anyone else wants to post their experiences, go ahead. You’ll have at least one person reading them (me). That said, it’s time to go to…
Day One: The Plane
Getting up at three AM isn’t my idea of fun. Remembering that I was about to fly for the first time since I was two years old didn’t help. I showed up at our pickup point at four AM - right on time. The bus was actually there, which was a nice contrast to Grand Rapids (where the bus was an hour late). I was planning on sleeping on the bus ride, but that didn’t work out. Thanks to two of the junior girls on my team, no one was able to sleep, much less hear themselves think. Katie and Nicole, you’re great people. But when it’s four thirty in the morning, try to keep it down. Thanks.
We soon arrived at the airport. I made it through baggage check and the security station okay. I wasn’t stopped, but others on my team were. When one of the boys, Charles, was pulled aside he said (this is an exact quote) “You’re just doing this because I’m black.” Oddly enough, it took him a long time to get through security.
We made our way to our flight’s gate, and we got to see Chief Delphi, much more awake than we were. Our first flight was to New Jersey. Going from Michigan to Houston via New Jersey doesn’t seem very productive, but it ended up working out okay. The first flight was on a small plane - it had room for 50 passengers, and there were only four seats that didn’t belong to 818. The flight was longer tahn I would have liked (two hours), but we didn’t crash and burn, which is always a plus. After a half-hour in one of New Jersey’s airports (I can’t remember its name right now), we boarded our second flight. The flight was four hours long, and it wasn’t too terrible…except for the last half hour. We had some very bad turbulence, which isn’t something that you want to experience on your first flight. The second flight, like the first, landed safely. I’ve decided I don’t like flying, but I’ve still got the flight home to go…
818 is staying in a Holiday Inn Select that’s off of a freeway. The hotel has free internet access, and I plan on making use of it when I get a chance. If this post was long and boring, don’t worry - it will probably get better if I post again. I’ve got to wrap this up - my curfew is in five minutes, and I’ve got to get upstairs before then. Thanks for reading.