No more vague, impossible to guess teasers.
I’ll be the first to post some REAL teaser pictures ;)… This just means that the rest of you need to follow suit!! We will all be waiting.
Any guesses?
Part fabrication courtesy of Kirk Oden.
No more vague, impossible to guess teasers.
I’ll be the first to post some REAL teaser pictures ;)… This just means that the rest of you need to follow suit!! We will all be waiting.
Any guesses?
Part fabrication courtesy of Kirk Oden.
Hmmmmm kinda maybe looks like some pretty nice sideplates to mount a tread system on…
i’d echo that, but its too short to be a full side plate. Those plates are only about 15 inches long. I could see two wheels mounted front and back on it. But i feel like we’re missing something key. And i’ll promise all of you a teaser on friday night.
Ya, but looking at the carpet in the background, the plates seem sort of small. They may have huge threaded carpet and I may be wrong…Or it might be for a little side project and they be trying to fool us. :ahh:
But they look nice…and shiny
Not a drivetrain component, and yes, they will be on our competition robot. ‘They’ being plural. 15" is 3" too long.
Not a drivetrain component? (On the plate closest to the bottom) The top hole and the hole far left look like it would fit a CIM, and same goes for the other 3 similar plates.
Correct, and correct.
Actually, that’d make a really cool gear box like the ones we got in the KOP…but a lot lighter.
Not a drivetrain component (meaning these aren’t even the gearbox housings?), but uses CIM’s, at best i’d say some really powerful arm. One gearbox is assembled with 3 plates? The rest are spares?
Allright, guess number two.
They look like gearboxes. Not for a DT but to reduce the CIMS and FP w/ AndyMark planetary’s. The CIMS and AM’s look like a PERFECT fit for the solid (ish) plates. Toward the left hand side you can see two large holes and the 4 small screw holes to hold them in place. I definitly smell gear reduction. That is my best guess as of yet. I dunno if I am right… I still don’t know what the pretty CNC’ed ones are for. Anywho they look nice and I hope whatever they are made into turns out well.
Yes, yes, and yes… However, all of these plates will go onto one robot! :ahh:
I’m guessing it is a dual motor 4 speed not unlike last year’s.
Two gearboxes…for an arm? No, it has to be two arms. Or could it be two joints that each have a gearbox (not likely)? The two plates in the upper left of the picture have one circular hole (besides the screw holes) which is probably for an output shaft.
Travis mentioned it wasn’t a drivetrain component, and to be like last years’ 968 4-speed / 2-motor transmission it’d have to be a drivetrain component, no? So, even if I didn’t already know what it was (;)), I wouldn’t have guessed a 4 speed transmission.
I know I’m not the only person who sees two CIM mounting positions, and those holes could be for press fit/flanged bearings for intermediate shafts…I don’t know, it could be a very elaborate multi-speed (the number of shafts lead me to believe more than one speed) transmission…but thats just what I see, it’s kinda like those ink blot tests…kinda.
ooooooooooo Pretty LOL
Those were the exact two words that came out of my mouth when I saw this picture - I kid you not!! :yikes:
Looks like a power source for picking up tetras or something. That’s if it isn’t a drive component.