How are you intaking Cargo

Is your team intaking cargo with a Steamworks type approach (Wheels going over the top of the cargo to pull them in)? Or are you planning on using something like how most powerup intakes functioned (wheels on either side)?

Team 6911 is trying to figure out a way to do the latter, but current design constraints make it seem like we will be using a Powerup style intake.

2549 is going for the steamworks overhead rollers. you can get a much wider effective intake zone. and imo 1 or 2 set of overhead rollers is easier to fabricate than horizontal rollers.

Do some testing yourself but results do vary my team is going with over rollers but defiantly test yourself what will work best within your design.

We are going with two wheels with their axis vertical. This is mostly driven by the parts we already have on hand.

We tested both approaches. Both worked similarly well. The Steamworks intake was scary fast and violent because it was also meant to be a shooter :cold_sweat::scream:

We are going for an over roller. It will move the ball in the desired direction every time. Two vertical axis wheels can push the ball away from the robot. Just trying to make it as ready on the driver as we can.

We are using a similar design to power up intakes, with two stacks of two wheels on the side. To score with it, we just force it out and score.

Do you plan on it being passive or powered opening and closing?

Agree. We decided we need to use a powerup style due to design constraints. I did come up with a linkage however that will let us open it up to 20 inches to not require us to be as precise.

It is just passive. It sits just within our frame perimeter and relies on the drivers to basically drive up to the ball. From there, it is just your standard wheeled intake.

Make certain to test this with bumpers on (including bumper material). The cargo is a pain to chase down (or even worse, roll over).

Yup. It is just a cut out lined with the compliants, which reliably grabbed the cargo in testing

We are going with over head rollers after a lot of testing in CAD to make sure we fit all the constraints.

We are going with the over rollers for a few reasons. First because we can have a wider intake zone, as mentioned by others. Second because the two side wheel design only works if you make contact with the ball head on. If you only hit one wheel, we found that it’ll just bounce away.

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