How big does everyone think the loading zones are going to be this yaer strategy wise? Imean it’s the only way to get new tetras in play after the start of the game.
They’re imperative…at least for one of your alliance members to be able to use the loading zone. Someone has to bring your scoring objects into play, and the only way to do that is use the loading zone… otherwise you could hope that your alliance can play good enough defense to prevent opponents from doing ANYthing… which is unlikely.
my thoughts on this were that if yo design a bot that dosnt have a tetra frendly surface that playing the game will be very very hard unless u are really good at picking them up or defending, the loading areas will probly be the second most important thing second to actually scoring points.
Well it all depends. Direct defence of the loading zones is a risky manuever. If you hit your opponent while he is in the process of loading in the loading zone, thats a 30pt penalty, and a possible DQ if you endanger a human(player or field attendant). So youd have to be careful, especially if they manage to slip around of you and even partially into the zone. In order to reduce the risk of slipping up would to double-team the robot attmepting to load, which leaves your 3rd robot double-teamed in any maneuvers it attempts, or at least trying to outscore 2 robots on his own. Also, if your opponent can use the 2 automated zones, that means there are 4 loading zones, vs. your 3 robots that could defend. So, because of the extreme difficulty in defending the zones, I dont think that it will be incredibly hard in most matches to receive tetras. Once you get the tetras on the other hand will be a different story…
the loading zone is marked by a 3*3ft marker.