How close...

How close did everyone get to midnight before they bagged and tagged?

11:57PM If you notice in the lower right side of the picture you can see our practice bot. :slight_smile:

Have you guys ever considered driving with your robot to illinois to take advantage of an extra hour of build season?

Central Time Zone welcomes our eastern neighbors!

I actually mentions that to one of our mentors. Considering it would take 2.5 hours of riving to gain and hour, it was pretty obvious that I was joking around

So let’s say you were on your wou to the central time zone, and it struck midnight… Would you need to bad your robot? And then could you unbag your robot for a maximum of 1 hour if you then drove into the central time zone?

Or you could fly west and have several hours to continue work, until the airplane reached the international date line. You could work on the robot on the plane.

bag was done at 11:59:58 pm for us

That’s why you live in japan so you have 10(?) extra hours…

We got done around 11:48 this time.

Do not mention this to the build team, I can already see chartering flights. The fun part is our bagged robot is pristine. It has never had power run to it. Our practice bot is taking the learning curve abuse, but the competition bot won’t be run until the time before our first event.

11:37pm PST. We wanted to play it safe.

You can be in CST in about an hour. :slight_smile:

I forgot that some of Indiana was on CST. Did i mention that I didn’t do too well in geography? Haha.

We were prepared to stay til midnight, but our mentors were not. They insisted that we be out of the doors by 10:30 and no later. SO, the bot was bagged and tagged by 11:01, and we were out of the door by 11:30. Not a bad night. :smiley:

We literally bagged the Robot at 12:00:00. We had to make a last minute change in the code that we didn’t want to have to sit on so we had to wait for it to build and then deploy. it was a race to the finish for us to get this last minute change in, and since we didn’t have a practice robot we needed to be sure that we got it right before we sealed the bag.

Actually they get 11 hours less. And get to watch kickoff at some crazy hour in the morning. Go 5701 Indigo Ninjas!

Crazy hour being 12am, that would not be fun.

We bagged at 8:40pm. Nobody really complained.

Is that really that smart, not even testing it once :smiley: :smiley: :D.

We have run the motors to test the mechanisms, just not everything together. We also have an identical bot, so it isn’t as bad as I made it sound. The only things we should need to do in our 6 hours is power it up, deploy the final code and we should be good to go. Hopefully the only difference between our competition bot and practice bot will be that the practice bot has been flipped over a few times during practice. :slight_smile:

Japan is on the other side of the international date line, making it 14 hours ahead.

In other words, it’s Thursday here. Why haven’t Palmetto practice matches started yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Fortunately, that was a few minutes after noon, not midnight. We were aiming to beat the weather rather than the clock this year; we had tornadoes just a few miles down the road in several directions.

I’m not sure when we started bagging but after that bag was tagged, it was exactly 11:59. We basically drove the robot until right before needing to bag it.