I have been programming in LabVIEW for about a year, and until now I programmed everything with the same structure, like the one shown in the default code. Say I wanted to run a motor with a constant 50% speed, I’d do it like this: open the motor at Begin.vi and set it with a curtain reference name.
At the Teleop.vi I’d call the get motor vi and the set speed vi to give it 0.5 speed, and finally I’d go to the Finish.vi and close the motor.
Today I read the Basic Motor Control Tutorial at NI.com and saw this code example:
Now… If I called this motor control vi file from inside Teleop.vi, would it work? is it better than what I usually do? and wouldn’t the endless loop (say I won’t press the stop button, or replace it with a False constant like I’ve seen in several other code examples) freeze the code and prevent the other vi files in Teleop.vi from working?