How do I become a programming god?

Hi everyone, I’m really plateauing with my programming and I was wondering if there were any communities of FRC programmers. I’m pretty strong in commands based, kinematic and odometry, and decent at advance controls but I need to improve on more advance topics like on the fly path generation to become a programming god. If anyone has any useful resources or communities they could send that would be great. Thanks!


You’re already in the right place friend. Just search Chief Delphi for the thing you’re interested in, and you’ll find some info.

I’m working on some A* pathfinding stuff, creating an AdvantageKit based project for MAXSwerve etc.

Talk to @Jimmyy I sure he has a lot of resources for you.

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No way, i got pinged on cd :astonished:

I do have a doc of resources that i use that you can view here: link

I am also working on doc page full of knowledge and resources, but thats a work in progress, I will share once it gets to a more organized state.

PathPlanner i believe has on the fly path generation. You can check that out here Link

If there is anything else you wanna know i probably have something about it bookmarked somewhere

Heres also a control theory guide to the universe for frc link

Reach out if you need anything else!


Keep studying and practicing. The work never ends :grin:


Read build blogs… but not for the builds :grinning:.

I know some OA teams discuss code changes on their blogs, which are interesting to read, especially in season.

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Consume the souls of 10,000 programmers on the 256th day of they year.



Could I use the doc you linked to teach new members and learn myself?

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Of course!


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No problem!

Like most things - Deliberate practice.

It’s 16,384 souls, not 10,000. What kind of number is 10,000?




You have to take down at least one production server during normal business hours on accident.


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Ohh, I got more. You have to break the build with at least one commit on accident.

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you are the worst person to play “never have I ever” with.

Kids, here to tell ya, mistakes are gonna happen. The tech ones are the easy ones. It’s ok. Recover gracefully, you’ll be fine.

And, indeed, learning how to handle failure is a wonderful sign of a mature professional (sw developer included).


Ohh… let’s go on. Accidentally delete production data during a cutover event because you “did the math”.

Failure is real. Want to be a programming god? Make lots of mistakes.

I #^^{*]% hate the myth that anyone is a programming god.


Brazil factory line down because someone added support for future ideas “just in case” but someone else accidentally activated them and now the machines can’t get engine RPM up to high idle and are physically stuck at the end of the line.

(lowers finger)

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