Okay, total n00b question, but I can’t make heads or tails of the number of options to make robot code in the new version of LabView.
Like seriously, why can’t we just make a FRC roboRIO Robot Project with Arcade Drive like we could last year?
Where do all these other options come in?
Why should I even care?
This is extremely confusing for a second-year team.
If anybody knows how to make a simple Arcade Drive roboRIO project, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Never mind.
It seems that you are required to install the FRCUpdate2016.exe before it works correctly.
Which makes total sense. Well, it’s what I get for trying to speed up the process a bit.
you count, all numbers that are divisible by 2.
Someone went to a lot of trouble to try and make it easy for you. All you (or anyone) needs to do is read the instructions: For the 2020 season software documentation has been moved to https://docs.wpilib.org. Documentation for KOP items can still be found here. | FRC KOP Documentation
The problem I see, with the instructions is the rookie do not know they exist.
It is very hard to find a link to the WPI pages from http://www.firstinspires.org/
Agree. For the benefit of everyone here, the path is thus:
Programs > FIRST Robotics Competition > Game and Season, and then in the Quick Links click Technical Resources, then select Electrical and Software Resources, and that’s where you’ll get the link we mention, For the 2020 season software documentation has been moved to https://docs.wpilib.org. Documentation for KOP items can still be found here. | FRC KOP Documentation.
Lots of good instructions jammed into that site.