This question comes from extreme ignorance, and after much searching, I could find no true beginner’s guide to getting an environment set up for FRC in VSCode using robotpy. Here’s a skeleton outline, with many blanks:
- Follow robotpy Computer Installation, including installing python, the Visual Studio redistributable package, and “all” the robotpy vendor components.
- Install the default download for VSCode here: ?
- Install some extension to VSCode to make python programming work well?
- Install some other extension to check syntax for python in VSCode?
- Create a github account.
- Install git?
- ?
I don’t know which things are bundled, which things require custom versions, etc. Basically, I want a series of steps any student can follow on a normal Windows laptop and wind up with everything most recommended to write, test, and run simulations with Python code for FRC RoboRIO.