How do I set up a Windows laptop, from scratch, to use VSCode with robotpy?

This question comes from extreme ignorance, and after much searching, I could find no true beginner’s guide to getting an environment set up for FRC in VSCode using robotpy. Here’s a skeleton outline, with many blanks:

  1. Follow robotpy Computer Installation, including installing python, the Visual Studio redistributable package, and “all” the robotpy vendor components.
  2. Install the default download for VSCode here: ?
  3. Install some extension to VSCode to make python programming work well?
  4. Install some other extension to check syntax for python in VSCode?
  5. Create a github account.
  6. Install git?
  7. ?

I don’t know which things are bundled, which things require custom versions, etc. Basically, I want a series of steps any student can follow on a normal Windows laptop and wind up with everything most recommended to write, test, and run simulations with Python code for FRC RoboRIO.

Here is our student setup guide.

To install stuff on the rio, there is documentation at Robot Installation — RobotPy 2023 documentation

To get a full setup, just use "robotpy[all]" instead of robotpy

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That is perfect (and not too far off from my bumbling around)!

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