I know I’m making this early but I have a long kickoff so I decided to make it now.
- Best season game yet
- Worst season game yet
- Meh
- Deep space is the only thing better than space!
- I’m lovin’ it!
- It’s too deep for me.
- I’m suffocating from joy… or is it the lack of air?
- Rocket-powered robots, at long last?
0 voters
The modified auto period is going to be a fun challenge!
Until the screens fail to come up on time. Call me a pessimist if you want to, but I can see that happening in Week 1.
I wish there was some kind of bonus for completely autonomous robots.
And hopefully not the cause of many field faults. 2014 reflective flippers all over again?
Is internalized screaming a proper response?
Internalized screaming is always the proper response.
That was my first thought about the screen
I pity the FTAs that are going to have to deal with all 6 teams with high throughput video killing the network in auto. And the inevitable complaints about laggy video causing a field fault.
So will robots just be in the teleoperated mode for the entire match? I wonder if there’s some official way in software to ask what phase of the game is active.
I assume they will limit the bandwidth per team and it will be posted in the manual. Just make sure you aren’t near the limit so your video isn’t choppy!
I’m guessing the standard 6 mbit/s limits will apply here, which should make it possible for all 6 teams to stream at the same time.
Not a problem. The openmesh radios themselves (at least in years past) enforce the BW limit, which all but eliminated christmas trees. Before the openmesh radios (2015-2011), this wasn’t enforced by hardware and yes it was a bear (a few 2015 events I worked come to mind).
My question is will they play Darude - Sandstorm during the first 15 seconds of every match?
yes they will
they have played it anyway at prior events
I will be deeply upset if this isn’t the case.