How do you program your vex?

There seem to be three methods i can see.

  1. Dont. Just use the programming it comes with.

  2. easyC. Pretty darn easy to work with, makes everything very nice.

  3. Actual C. I assume with MPLAB, the compiler, and the ifi loader.

So how do you do it?
For those who use easyC…what are some of the disadvantages that you are having? Does anyone else feel that they arent doing any “real” (for lack of a better word) programming?

For those who use Real C…What exactly is your set up? do you use mplab with the c18 compiler? Do you use the library files from or has someone actually programmed the entire thing? Also how did you go about getting everything? Did you experience any difficulties while setting it up?

As you can tell I have a lot of questions. I got Vex to be able to tinker with programming and perhaps maybe an introduction to dealing with microcontrollers. I have the easyC and its great to generate programs but I feel that if i got vex to do some programming, i should step up and use C. The main problem is that I have little to no clue about how to set it up. Once I do that, then I will face the fact that I dont know C.

Any advice anyone?

I realize that I ask a lot, but hey, “I have always relied on the kindness of strangers”

I’m using MPLAB/C18 for the pure C stuff. You should give that a try.

A good place to start is with the vex Starter Code (just like the default program for the full-sized robots). It’s on the Vex downloads page at:

The EasyC v2.0 (not the one that comes in the Vex programming kit) can also be a good starting point. You can use all the standard functions, but add some real C code of your own. It helps you avoid some of the C syntax errors you see a lot of when you’re just starting out.

I wouldn’t try programming from total scratch just yet. You need to get used to how things work and relate in working code first, so start with something that works and try making changes to it. Then you’ll get an understanding of how things can go wrong. :rolleyes:

oh crap, our compiler is not being happy!!! what should we do. apparently it is not compiling out autonoumous code, but it supposedly still compile our operating code, i you have any idea at all, and i mean any, please tell now!!! this is very urgent.

so far we havent used the programming kit we have. We just started with vex like a week ago. But i have been able to do some cool stuff with the program on there, the controller options and the jumper pins. I call it the physical programing as its physical and not digitally input. We are going to program this weekend so that we can make a robot for a SCRRF Vex Comp on the 20th of May.

I’ve just started with Vex, but as an ol’ programmer I generally prefer working directly with source code than the drag-the-blocks approach of easyC. I’ve managed to get a makefile working that uses the compiler / linker / etc. that come with the Vex Programming Kit. This way I can just edit C code, build it using the makefile, and send the HEX to the Vex using the IFI Loader. If anybody else would like to pursue this rather “retro” way of doing Vex development in C, let me know here and perhaps I can post the makefile somewhere.