I discuss FIRST teams with lots of people, both on my team and in my family. One thing I have noticed is that everyone recognizes teams by something different–I think with team numbers (ie, Team 1507). A friend of mine recognizes the full names (ie, The Warlocks), and my father recognizes them by location (ie, ‘That Lockport team’). I’m kinda curious if there is a predominate method for people recognizing teams (not that there is a right way).
So what is your primary method for recognizing a team?
Team name combined with colors. Location if it is easy to remember (Winnovation/Winnebago) or steeped in legend (Wildstang/Schaumburg or 71/Hammond).
I think most people recognize us by UPS/Brown and Gold but that is anecdotal from a few instances at championships from people who have never physically competed with us at regionals.
We do it according to number then name. This is a lot due to scouting being able to request teams during alliance selection, also we have several teams with close names in our region (TechTigers, Bionic Tigers, Tigers. Purple Haze, The Haze. RoboSharks x 2, The Sharks, Shark Attack) The worst it gets with numbers is rookies who are close in number and we have 108, 180, and 801
It really all depends on which team it is for me. Certain teams I relate to by name (HOT team, Wave robotics, OP robotics, Pink team etc.) and those teams are usually the perennial powerhouses who are well known by all. Other teams from around the world who aren’t as well known I use numbers for, and for teams in my area and teams that are the only ones from there state/country I use location. However when I am scouting I usually just use numbers for simplicity.
Being a database person, team number is the obvious choice since it is a primary key. Although a lot of teams I think of their name first, they usually have a pretty good brand identity, Holy Cows, Pink, Thunder Chickens, etc. I have trouble remembering team numbers above 2000 or so. Heck I even mix up my team number sometimes and have to stop and think about it, usually transposing the last two digits.
I still recognize several teams by sponsor, especially if they are othe UTC division sponsored teams i.e:
173 = UTRC
174 = Carrier
175 = HS Space & Sea
176 = HS Air Systems
177 = Fuel Cells
178 = Otis
179 & 180 = Pratt West Palm Beach
181 = Pratt CT or simply “Pub” for their school Hartford Public
1124 = Fire & Security
999 = Sikorsky
Non UTC Examples
190 = WPI
229 = Clarkson
126 = Nypro
In general though it depends sometimes the team name sticks, sometimes it’s the school, town or sponsor. In general I would say team number is most prevelant because it’s good short hand.
I also find when refering to numbers with FRC people I will use team names to refer to numbers for clarity, i.e “I said Poofs, it’s .004” over."
Depends on the name’s memorability, the name’s length, and how long they’ve had it. Simbotics, yes. Metal In Motion sometimes gets commingled with 343. 1771 has changed names a few times, so I stick with the number.
I can generally recognize people by team number better, although that can probably be mainly attributed to lots of research of team websites. I only know a team’s location by what regional they compete in (if that). For example, I know the HOT Team 67 and Killer Bees 33 are from Michigan because they compete in the districts. However I have little idea where in Michigan.
I too must confess that I have trouble with teams over 2000 (and over 3000 is worse for my memory.
I suppose a follow-up question to this one would be in what order to people identify themselves? Team (number) (name) or Team (name) (number). I normally say Team 1912 Combustion but my friends down the way say Team Fusion 364. Is one style more common / preferred that the other?
I always introduce myself as a member for FIRST Team 68, Truck Town Thunder. During alliance selections, 68 generally says we would like to invite “Team XXXX, [Team Name]”.
I usually bounce between number and name/nickname, depending on context and who I’m talking to. Sometimes it’s just a preference.
For example, if I’m talking with someone who will recognize the team either way, I stick with preference.
-Did you see Code Red triple at FLR?!
-1507 is a shooting machine!
-Stang’ (Wildstang) is on fire
-Congratulations to Simbotics for winning the Chairman’s Award
If I’m talking with someone who is less in tune with FIRST teams, I use strictly team numbers. Occasionally, I will use the school or location if the person is even less in tune with the teams (i.e. The Ithaca Team, McQuaid (for 3173), Nazareth (for 2340 before the Academy closed)).
I know too many teams, so I can’t keep a set way of referring to them.
I typically associate the team number with the team name. Makes it easier for me to recall them. Now that I’m finally getting the hang of remembering teams that are over 2000, I have 3000 and not to mention the rising 4000.
And one-more-up (I know I have an advantage ) Auburn Hills is about 30 miles north of Detroit on I-75, Milford is maybe 20 miles west, and our team is longitudinally between the two and about 20 miles north.
For easy reference, here’s a Michiganian’s* tip: They’re all on the right thumb muscle in your handy-dandy Michigan Hand Map.
Back to the topic at hand, I generally remember number and name, but number a bit more often. JosephC and I were in sparring wars with our team captain and then our team leader over who could remember the most team names based on their number. It was no competition.
*I hate saying Michigander. It sounds so uneducated.
I usually recognize teams either by their name or number, but I often have issues putting the two together unless it’s a team I hear of/see regularly (i.e. HOT/67, Killer Bees/33, Juggernauts/1). If I don’t know both, I can usually at least remember the general location. 343 is from NY, Los Pollos Locos is from SC and sponsored by USC and their number is some combination of 2, 8, 5, and 1.
Then there’s the occasional team whose sponsors I can remember, but not many (Finney Highlanders, Motorola/Wildstang, GM/Simbots/a variety of others).
For most teams above 3000, I usually recognize the logo first before I can remember their name and actual number.
I usually introduce myself by former team number, then I give the team name. I don’t know why I do that, since people usually remember my former team’s name before the number, but that’s how it goes.
TL;DR, it varies greatly and there are a lot of exceptions.
Team name, number, colors, and logo are really important. The number is the first thing that people see, but after that, the team name, colors, and logo help create a memorable image.