Hi all,
With the realization that our Facebook Fanpage (http://www.facebook.com/panthrobotics) has grown to 115 members, I wanted to ask what your teams do to keep your Facebook page alive and kicking if you have one.
Hi all,
With the realization that our Facebook Fanpage (http://www.facebook.com/panthrobotics) has grown to 115 members, I wanted to ask what your teams do to keep your Facebook page alive and kicking if you have one.
Well first you have to realize the difference between a facebook group and a page. The group, our team uses to communicate interesting information between members (ie, I posted when our robot arrived in St. Louis, or someone might post some match videos for our internal consumption). The page, we have one but don’t use it so I’m just as interested as you are in how to make it more alive! 148 and 254 have particularly active pages, so hopefully someone from one of those teams might post here?
Our Facebook group is always active with our team. I am talking about our page. I like how Atomic Robotics keeps posting different news links on theirs.