When i read about 254’s robot on their screen in their pit, they mentioned that their laterator (horizontal elevator) has a “squishy mode” on it to help squish in when they intake cones while slamming said intake against the back panel glass. How does this work? Do they just set their laterator motors into coast mode when it’s in position to intake from the substation?
There’s a few ways that can be done. One is to just use Coast mode, but that’s not going to provide much resistance. Another is to temporarily turn the P value low, making it a much weaker “spring”. I’m not sure exactly how they do it, or what degree of compliance vs resistance is required for their purpose.
I know in 2022, FRC 148 had an intake that would “squish” in like you thinking of. This was done by setting the current limit very low, which made it easy for external forces to overpower the mechanism without breaking it.
this, specifically when at shelf position.
This was posted by @Torrance in their reveal thread last month:
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