Our team has been planning auto strategy recently. When l draw ths trajectory, l am just curious about whether we can place our robot rightly in the field and has no difference with the start of my trajectory. In my opinion, if the robot isn’t placed correctly in the field, the whole path will be odd and the auto won’t be run perfectly. Is there any solution in the code.(l think use a symbol on the field to is a solution but l don’t like it.)
We typically use something on the field as a position marker or something to sight to. For example, for one of our autons this year the side bumper is placed just along the inner edge of the side of the tarmac and then pushed away from the goal until the corner on the opposite side just reaches the far side of the tarmac. Other times when there is no convenient mark on the field we have sighted along (the edge of) some robot element to a known point on the field or to a game element. Having a wide intake also helps by still grabbing a ball even if we end up not perfectly on destination.
We made the starting point of the trajectory where our robot is right on the edge of a tarmac border line and flush to it. Then we move it sideways to allign it with the first cargo our robot will pick up in auto. We basically have 2 reference points that makes it easy to consistently put our robot in the correct spot. We had no misalignment issues in 2 regionals. You can try something similar.
Aligning to markings on the carpet or to field elements is key. You want to know not only your x,y position on the field, but you also need to start at the correct angle of rotation relative to the field. It’s pretty easy this season with all the intersecting lines comprising the tarmacs. Some other seasons have been more challenging and alignment required sighting to a distant object. The rules usually allow physical alignment aids as long as they can be used quickly.
For our two and three ball autos, I back the robot up to the second ball and line it up with the middle of our intake. Then I aim it at the center of the hub and move it to about an inch inside the tarmac.
I don’t think you need something this big or heavy, but if you could probably find a small, lightweight sight of some sort. In our experience, orientation mattered the most and someway to visually line up worked best.
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