How does your team scout?

Scouting is much more then just looking at the numbers from each match though. For alliance selection, it’s knowing what exactly your team is looking for. This year, 2337 needed a scorer, and we designed ourselves to be the best midfielder possible (although there could have been many improvements). We hung consistently after Kettering, moved a few balls every match, and by MSC we decided to add a diverter. We were able to play great defense in the mid, shutting down many bots to my knowledge, and set up or opponents to score. This made us exactly what I high scoring team would be looking for; someone who could move balls, play defense, and get points by hanging. So when looking for an alliance partner, we generally were able to look at the top people in our list, but you also need to pay attention to those NOT on your list. Someone who might have great defense, fill an area your looking for, work well with your strategy, or that team that you think will get overlooked for a 2nd round pick.

If you don’t know about team 111’s scouting system called WildRank, follow this link I read this and want to implement this system into our team.