My team is going to OKTU in 9 days. I’ve written a script to pull the schedule information into our scouting system…but it’s not yet available. (I had to test the script against 2023.) To save me from checking every hour: how far in advance are the practice/qualification schedules usually put online? A week before the event? Days? Hours? Only the morning of?
From my memory it typically comes out the day before quals matches start, so Thursday 3/7 for your event.
Well, an event cant run a match list until its confirmed that all the teams showed up and can participate, so bare minimum its practice day if i’m not mistaken.
Practice: day of most likely.
Quals: evening of practice day, often around the time practice matches finish up.
Make sense; thanks! (To all who responded.)
Sometimes they’re release really late. At AVR last year they literally generated the schedule in the morning while teams were still arriving for qual day
That can happen if the event staff is trying to track down a team to see if they are going to show up or not.
Echoing above. In our district, qual schedules typically aren’t generated until all teams are either physically present at the venue or confirmed to not be coming. Not uncommon for it to be the morning of the first qual match (but it’s always done as soon as possible!) The FRC and TBA APIs pick it up within a few minutes once generated.
Ahh that explains a lot I remember there was a team that was gonna show up but didn’t because they were rebuilding their robot for champs
I’ll answer as a scorekeeper…
Practice match schedules are generally generated once the teams participating are generally known to be present, on the way, or not coming at all. They are often generated shortly before the start of practice matches, up to a few hours before. If a team is believed to be on the way and doesn’t show up, for a practice match this is generally not a big issue.
Qualification match schedules need to know exactly who is there and not, and are often generated after practice matches complete. This is especially true if there was a team missing for practice. In a regional this is usually the end of practice day, but can be first thing in the morning (generally as pits open) if a team is unaccounted for.
So if you’re looking to set up scouting 9 days ahead, you’re about 9 days too early for any chance of a qualification schedule.
Matches are typically not scheduled until shortly after all teams are checked in to the event/ inspected.
Events may wait to ‘check you in’ fully until you have turned in your roster, confirmed the correct student registration/consent forms, etc.
On a few occasions we have gotten a call while on the way after school to confirm we were coming still. We don’t usually get to leave during the school day on Thursdays for ‘Pit Setup’ in Michigan, so if it’s a drive to the venue we arrive later than most.
As others have said the call was to make sure they could start work on the match scheduling. Once all the teams have been ‘checked in’ is when I believe the match schedule is handed out, might be worked on prior to this so it’s ready to go. In many cases I can remember in FIM we get the schedule early Friday morning or it’s in our pits when we arrive Friday because it was printed overnight
Don’t worry too much, the schedule can be published, deleted, and re-published differently just before matches start.
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