How fast will your robot go?
This should help us all find a nice average that we’d all like to be in.
How fast will your robot go?
This should help us all find a nice average that we’d all like to be in.
ooh, we have some dual transmissions! post your speeds!
Can’t tell you. Proprietary information, antoninny
Maybe if you send me a check for a large sum, I might be persuaded to tell you that…
Let’s just say it goes fast or slow… from COUGH ft/sec to COUGH ft/sec…
Well…i’m not going to say what i voted for…but thats why its an anonimous (sp?) vote…but i wonder how many people lying!!!
Definition of transmission??? The kind that goes on the end of the drill motor or a “home made” transmission, or either one?
Our estimated top speed is classified, but the information will probably be declassified at our first regional in Cleveland.
We can safely say that our top speed will be under 40 mph.
actually, we’re going to be less than 1ft a sec but we’ll pull the entire arena with us… slowly but surely.
our robot stays in on place… it actually picks up and moves the playing field around it… there is a rule against damaging the field, NOT moving it…
We’re testing right now. i’m starting the timer, we’ll get back to you.
Uh, yeah. I’m down at the other end of the testing facility away from jon abad. Aparently he was going to be testing the speed of our driveline with me, but…the robot is already down here and he didn’t even start timing yet. We’ll have to get back to you.
I am at the midpoint of the testing facility between Jon and Tim and I just saw a blur of color almost run me over. Do you guys know what that was?
i’m a bit to the side of our testing facility, and i just saw some blue flash. upon further inspection it was determined to be cherenkov radiation.
what’s that? our kit hasn’t arrived yet? d’oh.
look at all the dual transmissions!
wow, you should of seen ours go, picked up a poor freshman and draged him to the other side of the school in less then 30 seconds…
yay to stupid freshmen!
I cant tell you exactly how fast it goes, but I can tell you from now on we send the robot out for food runs…
Hey, I AM A FRESHMAN! But anyway, our speed is classified untill Feb. 28th :D! But you guys will find out at VCU…
hhhhhmmmmmm hhhhhhmmmmmmm hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm
There’s no turnig back now…
Everyone at each of our comps said that we were one of the fastest bots in the comps last year and we also carried other robots accross the field so probably one of the strongest. That is exactly our goal this year to.
What do you think.
Does anyone remember are robot from last year?
From starting point to endzone (going under the bar took used around 5 sec. Lets see this year!
10+ fps in high, about 3 fps in low. shifting takes about 2 - 3 seconds.
Now a definition of transmission is a good question. Does this mean multiple gears on one motor? Does this mean multiple drive trains? I won’t exactly say how our is, but I’ll put it this way, it’ll do everything you would need it too, and more.