How high auto ?

We are now starting to see 140 point autos.
I see 150 in the near future. Will we see 160 or 170 ?
What do you think ?

118, 5429 & 4501 scored 156 in auto at the Las Vegas Regional in qualification match 39 this weekend. 118 did it a second time with 5199 & 3011 in match 46 for 161. I think higher auto scores will be seen at champs.

There’s a physical limit of 220 if you assume there’s only two robots shooting from the hoppers and they have a two gear auto and they make 100% of the shots. Frankly, I’m surprised I’m seeing such low scores with such amazing robots. Assume we have three 1986-like accuracy robots (so missing 2, maybe 3 in auto) that also deliver a gear I could see 180 with the time limit in place. Most of the time even with not delivering a gear in auto they couldn’t shoot their entire payload in time for it all to count in auto. Or maybe we see some of those fabled two gear autos people were discussing earlier. That might make it significantly more possible.

That would be really cool to see during Champs. I’m not sure there would be enough time for the second rotor though if one bot was delivering two gears.

188 did it at least once at McMaster

Looking back at the IN DCMP this past weekend, the two highest autos I have found we 137 and 135. (Please correct me if I am wrong! I would love to go back and watch those matches if I am wrong.) Both achieved 4-Rotor auto and a triple cross. The first also had two fuel scored.

I believe we will see matches with autos over 150 either this weekend or at Champs.

Why would the limit be 220?

In theory, if there was a 2 gear + 10 fuel robot, a dual hopper auto with 1 robot also placing the gear after shooting, both making all 60 fuel.

2 rotors = 120
mobility = 15
130 kPa = 130
40 kPa bonus = 20

Possible max score = 285 (unless my math is completely backwards)

And if we considered that it would only take 4 seconds to get to the hopper, that would only require the boiler to process at 11 fuel / second, which is not that much above the upper limit of what we’ve seen when fully saturated.

The robot that would shoot from the hopper and place the gear (assuming it only takes 6 seconds to place incl human player spinning rotor) would only have to shoot at 12 fuel / second, which again isn’t completely impossible.

(I concede that a robots capable of doing this together would never be on an alliance together in the real world, but its neat to think about :P)

Ah, I had completely forgotten the mobility bonus and the 10 kPa in each robot preloaded. I’m not sure I count the 40 kPa bonus, mainly because some of the previous posts people have mentioned qualification matches, where this instead nets you the RP.

The max on fuel is the counting side.
In theory that is maxed out at 75 (15*5) but is lower due to start delays.

Related topic: I think it would have been very nice to have auton scores included in match results that are displayed for the audience at events.

Indiana DCMP QF3-2 shows why this would help. I think most of the audience did not know why the blue alliance was the winner, until an announcement several minutes after the match ended. Total auton is the 2nd order tie breaker criterion in playoffs, but even if I had recalled that, I might not have known how many total auton points each alliance scored in that match. Andy Baker and I were near the field, behind the red boiler, and could not tell.

The boiler processes much faster than 5 fuel/second when fully saturated.