[How I Work] - Tyler Holtzman 2056

Tyler Holtzman - This Is How I Work

This week we are getting to know more about Tyler Holtzman, the highly revered mentor from 2056 OP Robotics. He’s been involved with FRC for more than 10 years and previously mentored 1114 Simbotics before joining 2056 OP Robotics as one of their founding mentors. He has numerous years of FRC experience that helped him build up 2056 to the powerhouse team that they are today. With his help, OP Robotics have won every regional they have competed in since he has joined the team. FIRST has had a large impact on Tyler Holtzman’s life by giving him his first full-time job that he continues to do today. Even as he is heavily involved in the FRC community, he lives a balanced life that allowed him to train and participate in the Ironman Mont Tremblant in August of 2014. Be sure to read to more about his story and advice in the rest of the article and learn how a great mentor works.

The PDF of the articles can be found here.

Thank you Tyler Holtzman for being a part of this series! Be sure to read his inspiring story with all the amazing advice he gives. Also, starting with this amazing article from Tyler, we will be publishing more articles coming up in the next couple of months! So stay tuned to read about our great mentors!

If you would also like to be a part of our How I Work series, please be sure to contact us at [email protected].

Thanks for putting these together. It’s always awesome to see how the best work.

How I Work Blog is back !

Awesome stuff Spectrum & thanks to Tyler for sharing his insights

Thanks Spectrum for bringing this back!

Amazing article from one the guys I have the utmost respect for in all of FRC.

Thanks Tyler and Spectrum for doing this!

Tyler Holtzman is one of those mentors in FRC that I looked up to growing up as a student, and continue to look up to now. Thanks for doing this article!


Excited to have these blogs back, good reads to see how many teams operate.

Hope to see some NEFirst mentors featured in future posts!! Just sayin :smiley:

We’d love that too, send us suggestions and ask people you want to see to do it.

I’m happy these are back as well, we are a pretty small team so we have to pause a lot of our other efforts during the season to be able to focus on the robot. We have some more ideas on how to expand these in the future.

“He has numerous years of FRC experience that helped him build up 2056 to the powerhouse team that they are today.”

I don’t think 2056 really built up to be a powerhouse…they kinda just jumped in.

Tyler, you are an inspiration to many in FIRST. Keep doing what you do!