How is OPR calculated?

I don’t want to know what OPR means (I know that), I want to know how it is calculated for any team in a given competition. Is it actual individual robot performance (how many gears someone delivered to a peg, how many climbs, etc) or is it just manipulated from the final score? How is the data collected, and and what is the formula?

From what I understand, OPR is average match score divided by 3.

Nope. It’s the best solution to an overdetermined system of equations, where the equations are each alliance’s score. Each team is a variable, each match is two equations (for each alliance).

See the helpful Wikipedia article about the math: Overdetermined system - Wikipedia

One of the best explanations I have seen is in the 2834 database presentation ( Basically you make teams scoring contributions into a system of equations.

ApplePi+Cyberknights+Robosquad=Red Alliance Score
OP_Robotics+Simbotics+Robowranglers=Blue Alliance Score

You set up these systems of equations for every match and plug this into a matrix. You can then do some matrix math to solve for each teams theoretical contribution to their alliance score.

If you’re curious about the theory there, I recommend looking into least squares linear regression.

Do an internet search for “multiple linear regression”. That’s what OPR is.

If you don’t know how it is calculated, then you don’t really know what it means.

Here’s an introductory explanation: