We ordered pneumatics from the Bimba web page on Wednesday Jan 19th. Should we have them by now? Has anyone else not gotten theirs if they ordered a while back? Do we need to call them? Thanks.
wow…11 days…yeah i think you should call them…the pnuematics for FIRST are pretty plain compared to what they offer so it comes right off the shelf…unless you shipped it ground, but even still that should only be 5 days normally…
well you gotta realize, that during the build season things may take longer, no matter how much a company like IFI and Bimba prep, its never gonna be enough, its the magic of FIRST, your facing real life deadlines complete with their very own real life problems
We got our two rams, but our actuator hasnt showed up yet. I am hoping they were shipping them separately and the actuator got delayed somehow, rather than they somehow forgot or lost the actuator. But yeah, after eleven days I would be worrying.