How many Algae can you fit in a Net?

Given the total of 18 Algae, 9 “each” alliance, how much can one store in their net? Given the size and the bounce?
I guess there is the theoretical limit that depends on the dimensions, though it will be probably very hard to achieve due to the bounciness of the Algae.

I think you could fit 18 in the net based on dimensions. You can fit 9 along the length with no overlap and the net is wide enough at the top to hold two across. That said it would be almost impossible to throw or shoot them all up. Figuring out how many can be reasonably thrown or shot up will probably require an actual net and testing.


i think u also need to include that the net is seperated in the middle, so wouldn’t it be best when scoring in the net using your robot, to score above the other team’s cage zone to maximize area for your team’s hp

If you want to give the points to the other alliance, sure.

It’s not in Table 6.2 - but then again, that table also doesn’t clarify that Coral, Park or Cage points are in only scored in your alliance’s targets.

But it is in Section 6.5 text:

During the MATCH, ROBOTS collect CORAL and score on their REEF. ROBOTS also collect ALGAE and score in their PROCESSOR or NET. HUMAN PLAYERS can score ALGAE in their NET once it has been passed to them via their opponent’s PROCESSOR.

(emphasis mine)

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well that only says that human players can score into their own net, it puts no limits on where the robot can score as it never explicitly states the robot scoring in it’s own net, it only limits the robot to scoring in their own processor

yes but is the “their” referring to both the processor and the net, or just the processor, I feel like you could assume the former if it used their a second time, but i don’t think this is something that’s proven or defined clearly

I’ll give you that it could be clearer, but I think you can very safely assume that you can only score points for your alliance in your net. If you’re really concerned submit a question to the Q&A about it.


That is what we also agree on, as another confirming facor is that the nets have the corersponding team’s colors on the outside of the net. It also would not make sense to be able to score in both net sections, at that point the net sections would be combined like the cargo hub in Rapid react.