How many balls/goals/or bots can your robot move around?
can anyone get three goals…can anyone get 40 balls…can anyone push two robots?
How many balls/goals/or bots can your robot move around?
can anyone get three goals…can anyone get 40 balls…can anyone push two robots?
we are currently working towards a bot with the capacity for something like 30 balls and zero goal handling.
Anthony Lapp
team 221----> now 857
I’d tell you, but my team would kill me…
I’ll spill the beans on our 'bot on feb 19th. k?
I think our robot will be the most unique one out there…lolz…b.t.w i found a way to logically carry 30 balls ber trip for a sucker bot…
no comment about our bot though
I could tell you, but I won’t haha, its our little secret
25 balls, up to 2 goals at one time, 3 places to grab.
What do you mean by 3 places to grab??
We have 16 places to grab, and we could drive up to a goal blind and latch on to it. I as i said, I will unleash our beast near or after shipment. I could give it to you right now but I dont want to give you guys any secrets. ----------<.
Whats dat??
Bad Brad
P.S We are not letting go unless you bust the 80/20. Which is highly unlikely. At least I hope anyway. I guess we will find out!
meaning, there are three mechanisms to grab goals. Two on the sides and one on the back. Hopefully and I don’t know because that sub-team doesn’t like my suggestions, and won’t listen to a word i say, etc etc the power of all h*** will have to be released to get a goal from us. We’ll see on Feb. 19.
Well, supposing that my teams gets it together we will be grabing one goal and picking up around 20 or so balls. Now we have the ball part down but the claw is another story… I just keep my mouth shut now because I know that I don’t know.
THere is no point in haveing three places to grab like that because by the time you turn the bot around to grab the thrid goal…another team will already have it…assuming you got the first two…
We thought about what you are going to do…but moved on to more logical solutions
Not saying yours isnt logical…just not logical for us.
Gabe Goldman
two goal handler, ?balls, and a secret suprisegasp. you will have to pry the goal from Diablo’s cold, metalic fingers with every last bit of strength. even then you will probally not be able to get it.
But you misss the point. Think outside the box. If you have three grabbing mech., then you have options for multiple strategies. This game is all abou having a great all around robot. Now, being a great all around robot doesn’t mean that you have to do everything every match. The point of our bot isn’t to grab three goals at one time, it’s to have the option of doing any strategy that we need. So, if you get paired up with a robot that is better at picking up balls then you, you can contoll the balls. If you get paired up with a team that is rock hard on controlling the goals, you can go collect balls. And if you get paired up with a “dead bot,” the you can still have a fighting chance with a 2 on 1 scenerio. And there’s more. But I’ll not talk about that now.
Really, it’s all about the strategy.
I know what you are talking about…and I think…(JUST LIEK LAST YEAR) your robot will work great with ours (team 384…i think we were partners at VCU).
Are you guys having the sweet tread like you had last year…I still think that was amazing!!!
Gabe G.
Tucker High–Team 384
Nope, but every year we have some really cool at least I think high traction system. This year’s is really “out there.” Yeah, I remember being teamed up with you guys. What rank were you guys? I’ll PM you with our secret if you want.
Well I just have to say one thing
Ive been a fan o theres for like ever.
384’s friendly neigborhood programmer
Hey Hoakies…
We were nu,ber one seed and we were runner ups in the finals…
what instant messanger service you use?
I use AIM
TCKRBOY16 is my screan on AIM
e-mail is [email protected]
IM me if u want to talk robotics
Hey, is this a new record for posting the most times in a row by the same team?
Hope everyone is happy about the iBook e-mail frenzie I’ve started!
Have a nice Day (Bwa, ha, ha…)
What i-book e-mail frenzy…
and yes…i think we now have a record… congrats joseph